Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Funny Face
Monday, July 28, 2008
Jace's birthday
I know, I haven't made my goal of posting 3x a week last week. I am a little behind but we didn't do anything exciting except for Jace's birthday. Papa was home for one day and it was Jace's birthday so we got to see him. Jace claims he got everything he wanted so it was a good day for him.
The kids helped him blow his candles out. Jaya looks a little beat up in these pics. She had a "run" in with the treadmill. She is all healed now but she did look like she had a fight.
I had a match last week and lost. I played with a woman that I have never played with before. We did well but just couldn't pull out a win. It is so dang hot that it is tough to have a lot of energy on the court right now. I can't wait for the cooler days. I do plan on entering some tournaments that are coming up and I will keep you posted on when those happen.
The kids start school in less than a month. I can't believe they will both be in a school together. Can you say "tennis time" ? It will be so cute to see them enjoy their time there together before Jaxx goes of to kindergarten next year. Jaya will start dance on the 7th of Aug. She is always talking about it and she hasn't had a class yet. Jaxx wants me to sign him up for Little League that starts in September but I am still not sure where we will be living so I have been putting it off. He is very athletic and seems to do well at all sports he likes. He still is in to golf and hits the ball long and straight.
Jace has had some good business opportunities come up and we are optimistic that they will pan out. I hope everyone is keeping cool and healthy.
Cortney K.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hide and Seek...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Can you put your toes on your noes?
The funniest part of the weekend was our "toes to your nose contest". We wanted to see who could put their toes on their nose. Two people couldn't do it. Hmmm, I will let you see if you can figure it out after some of the pics. I was able to do this, however, there isn't any "proof". See the other contestants below. Actually, Jaya shows that her toes are still almost small enough to pick her nose with.
There was story reading, game playing, coloring, wagon riding, cleaning, walking, bike riding and lovin'. We miss Papa while he is on the road but sure have fun when Grama comes to visit.
Cortney K.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
The not so well "well check".
We are now not allowed to go swimming for 10 days. 10 DAYS in the summer is a long time with no pool time. I will have to be making lots of trips to the inside goofy golf and video rentals. So, we will be working on getting better for the next 10 days.
Jaxx was 45 lbs and 3ft 9 in. That makes him about 75% in weight and 90% in height. Also, in case you forgot, FIVE.
We took a trip to Petsmart and looked at all the fish, cats, lizards, guinea pigs, hamsters, snakes and any other living thing.
Lastly, please weigh in on this.... the kids found this bug on our screen. I say it is a Praying Mantis and Jace says it is a Grasshopper. This is the best pic I could get. It is on our door in between the arcadia door and the screen.
Mimi just took Jaxx shopping for his birthday and he took his birthday money from Grama Honey. This is what he bought. Who would have thought?
Cortney K.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Just Tuesday
I got to play tennis tonight on my ATA team. It was super windy but I can't complain...I got to play. I also got to win. It was doubles and I played with a woman I have only played with a few times before but we did well. The world and all its troubles seems to fade to black when you are on the court. I am sure this is the case when anyone is deep into their own personal hobby. I find this a wonderful, almost guilty, side effect of playing tennis. I mean who would have thought that you could kind of forget any and all agonizing issues that tug at your brain all day, when you just step onto the court? I didn't ever have this sensation before playing tennis and started tennis because Jace had golf and I had nothing. Well, those of you that know me, know I didn't reeeaaaally have NOTHING, I am always doing something. I just mean now I fully understand the drive (no pun intended) that Jace has to get on the course and stay there as long as possible. Unfortunately, like any other "drug" it has to wear off and as soon as you hit that hot leather seat in your car, it all jumps back out you like it was spring loaded. That short "fix" that you get is so good though that it keeps you coming back for more. I wonder if this is how a drug addict or alcoholic feels about their "drug" of choice. It is just so wonderful to get on the court and know that it is just you that you must worry about. There is no kids, no phone, no bills, no laundry, husband, food to fix or diapers to change. Just you. The other side effect is that the more you are out there the better you get. When you aren't out there you are visualizing how much better you may be when you hit the ball or the wonderful feeling of pulling out a victory after a long battle. I just think there must be many of us that find solace in something so small, in the grand scheme of things. It is most likely the thing that drives many of us to do all the other, sometimes mundane things, knowing that we will eventually get out there again.
On another note, I must tell you something that we have all forgotten. It is the most WONDERFUL THING to turn 5. I know we are all much past that milestone and so we just can't get our heads wrapped around it. It has to be much like turning 18, or 21 or maybe 13. Jaxx is just here to remind us of this, as this has been his "mantra" for FIVE days now. I wonder how much longer he will actually remind us of this major revelation? Jace was with the kids in McDondalds when he was trying to get them their drinks. Jaxx quickly jumped in front of him to shove his cup under the dispenser as he yelled to the entire restaurant "I AM FIVE NOW!" Evidently, you are blessed with abilities you didn't have before 5. Must kind of be like being bestowed "super powers". Something in your mind tells you that you can do so much more now that you are five. He brushes his teeth better because he is five. He SLEEPS IN HIS OWN BED ALL NIGHT because he is five. He can run faster......because he is five. So, next time you see him ask him how great it feels to be five. It may remind you of other things that brought you joy in your childhood too.
Cortney K.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Jaxx's Birthday
Jaya even collected tickets....with Charron's help!
Jaxx got to see some friends from his class that he hasn't seen since school got out in May. One of his favorite class mates is Zach so they were so happy to see eachother!
What I thought was so amazing is that Jaxx played at Zach's house about 4 or 5 months ago and Jaxx loved Zach's guitar. When Zach's mom, Jenny, took him to Toy R Us to get a gift, Zach picked out a guitar for Jaxx. I just can't believe that he remembered. Jaxx has been asking me for a guitar for his birthday and I couldn't find one that was age appropriate. Well, Zach found it and at is the most beloved gift of all. Jaxx said it was his favorite gift. He must have some musical talent from his Aunt Emily. Her music and writing talent is featured here http://www.emilyswaine.com/. My mother plays the 6 and 12 string and taught Emily so he could come by it honestly! So, we have heard many "unpublished hits" at our house from Jaxx and Jaya.
So, we finished all the games. The sounds of bells and whistles was deafening. I don't like these types of places much. I know the kids love them but it freaks me out a little to lose sight of my children in there and not be able to hear them. They have a pretty good security system in there but I just hate the whole "let them loose" idea. I am way to obsessive compulsive to be able to relax in there but I am so glad Jaxx loved it. We moved on to our own private show with Chuck. Jaya was hysterical! She emulated every dance move that Chuck was doing. We were all so much more entertained by her than Chuck. The theme was Speed Racer. How perfect is the MACH 5 car for a 5th birthday? I don't know why I can't get either of my kids to look at the camera. They will stare and anything else around them....FOREVER, except for my camera. As, you can see, it isn't just me. When I have Charron takes pics of us, they still won't look. This is an oddity that happens every single time I get it out.
Let me ask you, do you think Jaya liked the cupcakes?
I love her packaging too!
So, that was our day. Jaxx had a great day, got to see alot of people that we love and most of all, turned 5. I feel like I had him yesterday. I am sad to see him get older and yet happy to see him grow and become this wonderful human being. I love being with him, talking things over with him, teaching him things and being his Mom. I love his laugh, his voice and his hugs.
Thank you ,Jaxx, for being such a wonderful son. You are truly "Unconditionally Loved".