Jaxx is a budding xtreme sports athlete. Well, the writing thing wasn't really looking like it would pan out so he is on to bigger things. He has been asking for a skateboard for awhile and I have been putting him off. I can only think of all the things he can break while using this contraption but I can't shield him forever. So, he had to earn it. Those of you know that know Jaxx, know that he just can't seem to stay in his bed ALL night. At some point he ends up next to me. Please don't offer advice on this issue. I have read and tried most of them. You see, you have to be awake enough to enforce the rules. I am not! I used to send him back down the black abyss called a hallway until he learned how to sneak in the bed like a very adept Ninja. I don't know how this happens but I wake up with him next to me in the morning. I am not a heavy sleeper by any means so at least I know he can always get a job as a Ninja if no other skills show themselves.
I made him a deal that if he slept in his bed for 5 nights in a row, he could have a skateboard. So, he did. Here it is....
He has knee and elbow pads and wrist guards. Also, a nice helmet that does not have any characters on it, those also fall into the "bad equipment" thing too. I took him out on sidewalk with it and he is pretty good for a first timer. He seems like he may get it sooner than later but at least when he fell, he was surprised nothing hurt. I told him the only thing that wasn't "padded" was his little boney bottom. Jaya has hers though.
So, while he was all geared up and most body parts were covered in hard plastic. I got his bike out. We took the training wheels off a few months ago but it was so hot. I didn't want to be huffing and puffing in the 114 degree heat while trying to hold onto a bike seat that held a wobbling dare devil. He got on and it was only a few minutes before he was off. He can ride about 50 feet without help and then he starts stearing back and forth until he falls over. Again, he is still excited that he is falling over on the rocks and isn't getting hurt. I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I once read a book about the difference between girls and boys written by James Dobson. The one thing that really stuck in my head is that if a boy sees someone doing something and they get hurt, the boy just thinks it is because it wasn't done correctly and they assume they are the boy for the job. A girl realizes that it is just someone being stupid and learns from someone's mistakes. I am sure that this is a blanket statement that does not cover everyone but, unfortunately or fortunately, I will get to witness this firsthand.
So, the big 5 year old is growing up. On his way to the EXTREME sports. Ripping and riding. Well, at least until his little sister needs help with her lipgloss!
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