The Puppy is doing so great. He has fit in well so far and the kids love him. He thinks he is huge and loves to swipe things! Shoes, rugs, toys, binky's etc....
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Chowda' Head update
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Chowda' Head
Well, there is the Charles River in Boston too, right??
Happy Birthday to me!
This was what the guests signed in on...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
New Addition!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Spring is here, Spring is here, it's the best time of the year
This is the back patio before you get to the pool area. It just got a little face lift. New cushions, a spray down and some flowers.
The little pink pot is Jaya's, of course and the flower she picked out.
The side patio got a spray down and pots full of flowers and palms. This is Jaxx's flower, he calls him Sunny.
It is the little things in life and stopping to enjoy the flowers makes me smile.
I hope to take pics, in a few weeks ,of blooming pots. We'll see if I can keep them alive.
Happy Spring!
Cortney K.
Suns game
Worn out
Andrea needs no introducing. If you know me, you know Andrea. This is her husband, Dale. They looked "Fabu" but this pic is not a great one.
Jace golfed that day so he looks sunburned. He and his brother won the tournament that day though!
The last people at our table were Justin and Susan but Susan was working most of the auction and Justin socializing so there are no pics of them.
It helped raise a lot of money and filled all the short falls they thought they may have. I love that preschool and am glad we found it. Jaxx will go to Kindergarten next year but Jaya will be there for two more years.
Cortney K.
New Season!
Here is his two "at bats".
And off he goes...
Still has his is fan club!He has two games a week so contact me if you want to know when the next one is and cheer him on!
Cortney K.
Monday, March 2, 2009
SO far behind...Happy Valentines Day!
Then we had to work on our Valentine's for our friends. If you got one from Jaxx, it may have looked like this...
And lastly, here are some shots I just took the other day. Just because and they are cute!
We had Parent/Teacher conferences and both kids got glowing reports. Happy,healthy, outgoing, friendly, kind, helpful and ready for the next year of school. Jaxx will go to Kindergarten and Jaya will stay at her school but go 5 days a week.
Life is treating us well and we couldn't be more grateful for the blessings.
I hope yours is just as wonderful.
What a difference a day they say.
Cortney K.