Valentine's Day! Yes, we are that behind in blogging. I won't be wordy but just share some photos!

So, of course, I had to have these cookies from my fave local bakery. These cookies went to Jaya's class but there were a few left over for us to have too. The school had a "Lovestock" so here are some pics from that.

Here is the family...without the photographer.

This was Jaxx's contribution. The tie dye heart!

Jaya creation...

The kids could frost and decorate their own cookie. You know that pink is good and the more the better! Eating it is the best, until the frosting is gone.

Here is Jaxx's...

Then we had to work on our Valentine's for our friends. If you got one from Jaxx, it may have looked like this...

If Jaya made you one, it would look like this...

This entry pretty much sums up the term "Pink Tornado"!
And lastly, here are some shots I just took the other day. Just because and they are cute!

They look so grown up.
We had Parent/Teacher conferences and both kids got glowing reports. Happy,healthy, outgoing, friendly, kind, helpful and ready for the next year of school. Jaxx will go to Kindergarten and Jaya will stay at her school but go 5 days a week.
Life is treating us well and we couldn't be more grateful for the blessings.
I hope yours is just as wonderful.
What a difference a day makes..as they say.
Cortney K.
1 comment:
I'm not too savvy on these blogs so this is the only spot I knew to get in touch with you! First, you have a beautiful family! Second, Thank you for posting a comment regarding my prayer request on Angelica Grace Designs Blog. I am Heather and am waiting to meet with a new doctor on Monday before they can schedule this biopsy on my thyroid. Please let me know what you know :-) I have done much researching online and go from peace to panic in a matter of seconds. I don't have a blog but only old school email. If you have a few minutes please drop me an email. I would love to hear your experience.
Thank you again for showing your concern!
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