Sunday, April 5, 2009

Movie time!

Well, the kids have been into making movies lately so I thought I would post a few here. Jaya is giving you a sneak peek at her dance for her upcoming recital.

Jaxx is just practicing his next moves for "America's Best Dance Crew" try outs. He sings while he dances too!

I will continue to post these this week so you can see the library that we are stacking up.

If you get my emails and don't read directly from the site you may have trouble viewing the videos. You may have to go to Also, if you are viewing from the site, make sure you go to the bottom of the page to find my "playlist" and pause the music so you can hear the kids talking.

Cortney K.

1 comment:

kim•ber•ly said...

You can't loose when you've got videos of the kiddos. I have to say that if I were forced to choose, Jaya's is the one that makes me smile the most, but only by a smidge. We are going to have to convert our old videos to DVDs just so we can see the ones that our kiddos made (we got a lot of TV news casts).