Jace's Dad birthday was today. We took everyone out to lunch. It was a great relaxing way to celebrate. It was Mom and Dad, Jace, myself and the kids along with Grama Honey and Grampa Burt.
The kids had a good time making Papa some gifts. Jaxx made a bat trophy and Jaya made a baseball. Jaya loved the painting. I have never seen her so concentrated on something. At least now I know that the "Tornado" can be still. It was all with Charron's help. She is so great with the kids!

At some point Jaxx decided he could do a much better job as a "Power Ranger". He had to stop what he was doing to get it on and finish the job. I have no explaination for this?! Jaya also had a wardrobe change but is was JUST another dress.
Here is a before!
And an after!(Jaya had help on hers)
Happy Birthday, PAPA!
Cortney K.
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