Jaya had her very first ballet class on Thursday. She has been talking about it for 2 weeks since I told her it was coming. It was cleverly used by her opportunistic mother as a potty training tool. It worked!
We went to buy her whole "get up" about 4 days before the class. Can you guess what she wore for 4 days! Yes, everyday we had to put on the leotard, tights, little chiffon "tutu" and the "real" ballet shoes. I had to pry them out of her hands at the end of the day to wash them before they danced on their own. So, "THE DAY" comes. She wakes up before any rooster thought about cracking an eye lid (do they have eyelids?) and got herself completely dressed. The tutu was inside out and backwards but it was on. The shoes were on the wrong feet but they were on. She came in and handed me her brush and rubberband to do her hair. It was funny.
I video taped most of the class. I wanted to post a video on here of it but can't seem to get it transferred yet. If I figure it out, I will get it on here. She was absolutely in her element. She is a real performer. Unfortunately, "grace" is not her middle name so that little strong, solid body "lumbered" at times but she was just so happy to be there. I will take more pics next week too. She has class on Thursdays at 10:30 so there will plenty more pictures to come. So far there is only her and another little girl. The other little girl wears the cutest little glasses and is so sweet. I have a pic of them waiting to go into class. They were just so adorable.
For the meantime, here are a few I took this time. I had to take the pictures through a glass partition so they aren't the greatest. I am going to try to go into the class next time to get some better ones. 
Cortney K.
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