I love this picture!

We left ballet and went back to school to get Jaxx. Then we went to Papa and Grama's house. Dad needed a picture taken for a bio and I snapped this at the end.
It has been crazy just like your life has been. You know the last minute things that you forget about until it is almost to late.
The kids and I went to lunch today with Andrea and Dillon. I stopped at the bank first and in that same center as the bank, there is a Honey Baked Ham store. It was RIDICULOUS to try to find a spot and manuever through the sidewalk, just to get to the bank. Talk about crazy. The line was insanely long and I was thinking about my cute little honey baked ham knock off from Fresh and Easy sitting in my 'fridge. It was a good feeling, as if to say silently to these people, "Ha Ha, I already got my ham and paid less". I haven't tasted it yet though so I will have to report later.
Anyway, after bustling (what a funny word), delivering cards and Fairytale Brownies, wrapping, driving, shopping, returning and shopping again, this is what I feel like.
I found Jaya in bed last night looking like this. My client gave her the cutest purple purse and lipgloss's from one of her favorite hotspots "Sweet and Sassy". She always loves their bags because the handles are little crowns. She went in her closet and got her Princess hat on and fell fast asleep. This pretty much sums up the feelings after all the "bustling".
Hope your finished "bustling" too.
Cortney K.
1 comment:
Glad your bustling is over (and that you got your santa cookies on late notice). The pix of Jaya really does sum it all up - I know I needed a nap after we did all our bustling on Monday!
Merry Christmas
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