Well, Thanksgiving was good. The kids had what they call "the feast" at their school. Jace couldn't make it, as the foreclosure auctions he has to bid at, don't stop for ANYTHING! So, I was greatful for having the kids at the same school. I thought I would just go back and forth the best I could. All the classes are in the same room. They file in one by one and their own little personal placemats are there for them. The kids all make their own placemats that same week. They all sit on the floor. I helped serve the kids after getting a phone call from Susan. She is on the board at the kids school ,since her son also goes there, so we made a trade. I will let you know more about her end later but my end was to help in the kitchen. Each class makes something during the week to contribute to the meal. One class makes homemade applesauce, green beens, mashed pototaes, corn etc. Everything but the turkey. So, after the plates were all ready and the kids were filing in, Papa showed up. He was just in time to sit with Jaxx and his class. It worked out well and the kids were excited to have him there.
Jaya had to dress for the "feast" don't ya know???

This is Jaya's class.

Here are the first and the third Johnson generations! Do they look anything alike? ;)

I did manage to get my Christmas cards out just as I wanted. Now, that you all have them, I can post some pics that were taken that day that didn't make the card but were still cute. These are from my camera but Reagan is the one that met us on the course that day and took pics. The pics turned out so cute and the one of Jaya that I used on the Christmas card is being used by the lady that sells Jaya's pettiskirts online. Her site is www.chicbabyrose.com . She is so wonderful about customer service and her stuff is to die for! Not the cookie cutter stuff you see everyone else have. I am addicted to these skirts and so is Jaya. So, check it out if you need something for birthday party wear or special occasions.
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