A son holding his father. A son that will hold his father no more ,on this earth, but constantly and forever with his soul.
Seeing parents lose a child has always seemed unnatural but has hit so much closer to home when you have your own children. You are so exposed by this tiny human that grows up with the knowledge that you love them but not the understanding of the true expanse of the love. That everytime they are out of your site, they take a part of you with them that is not back in its place until you see them again. If that time doesn't come the piece is forever gone and never to be replaced by anything.
My tiny life, joys, let downs or accomplishments feel very inconsequential (sp?) at this time. This has once again reminded me to slow down, stop this crazy ride we call life and read to my children, snuggle my children, and tell them again what they mean to me.
I have been taught that God must feel the same way about all of us. He actually knew his son would be crucified for the saving of all his other children and yet still had to suffer through it. That is tangible. So, tangible that it reminds you to step back behind him and let him guide you. He has your best interest just as you do for yours.
God works in odd ways and we must listen carefully for his cues, as they can sometimes be almost silent.
I love my family and want to tell all of you, "I love you" . My heartaches for the loss of the Travolta's family, as it has the losses that my family has suffered. It just doesn't seem like it should be liveable and yet God tells us he is here to gently show us his purpose.
The kids will start to school again tomorrow and I will post an update in a week but until then, remember how fast these days go and linger as long as you can.
Cortney K.
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