Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Progress Update

Does the theme music give it away?? Pink???
There are still a few things to hang and add but the kids rooms got painted this weekend. I am really pleased with how they turned out and am glad I went with my instinct on color choices. I found out that I am not a bad painter either. The trick is to have all the right tools at your fingertips. Then you don't get frustrated and it turns out well. Here are some pics I took on Monday of J- Licious just sitting in her room before school. She loves the new color too. I mean, after all,what's not to like about pink?

Jaxx's quilt came today so here it is. I love the way all the colors work together but still have some decorating to do.

Now, after seeing this picture, I realize that I need to do something about the curtains too.

I won't share my ideas until they get finished. He loves all the teams on his quilt and he is all jacked up for the new Little League season to start. We will be in a new league now and this one is where Jace grew up so Jaxx loves that idea.

A few last pics of Jaya's room.

I hand painted roses and garland on these pieces of green furniture before Jaya was born and this color really helps show them off much better than the old color! Jaya has a little white tree that is trimed with the appropriate upcoming holiday trim all year round. I love the lights!

I still have to paint the kids playroom after my touch up didn't work out so well but I sprained my ankle on Monday and no painting or anything else will be getting finished in the next few days. It looks really bad but I am sure I will be back on the courts by this weekend. I was taking a lesson on Monday after my match (that we won) and I rolled it. It hurt pretty bad at the time but has gotten much better. Yes, it is black and blue and my foot kind of runs into my toes but it really doesn't hurt to much. I have a sleeve to wear when I start to play tennis again so I don't roll it again while it is weak. I have a high pain tolerance too so maybe it would be hurting someone else. The women in our family are tough, we don't get knocked on our "honey buns" (J-licious word) to easily.

Even the good foot looks bad in this picture which just proves my point that it looks worse than it is :0

Other than this stuff there is nothing much to report. Hope to get some more painting done this weekend. Of course, we will be watching the Cardinal game!

Go Cards!

Cortney K.


kim•ber•ly said...

Boy, are you getting things done! I've got Emma's room on the docket and she'll be lucky if her room gets painted before summer.

The rooms look great!

Anonymous said...

OMG - your POOR foot!!! :-(

Love the pink - you did a GREAT job. You've got some lucky kids!!