Jaya had her 3 year "well check" today and she is very well. She is 3' 4" which is an inch shorter than Jaxx was at that age but she is 41lbs which is 6 lbs heavier than he was. She is COMPLETELY off the charts for her age in both height and weight. The Dr. was very complementary of how happy, healthy and well adjusted she is to life. She told me that she wished she had more mom's like me. That was nice. I mean, I like to think that I am great "mom", so it is nice to hear someone complement me. By the way, do you know how much I hear that word a day??????? "MOM" Wow, you can't wait for those little mouths to form the word and then the days come when you may just stick ear plugs to get through the rest of the day. Who knew that two little human beings could be so DEMANDING? This job is whacked! No cash, work 24/7 and no vacations. At least I get paid in "I love you's ", wish I could pay the electric bill the same way ;)
So, Jaya had to have one shot. The Dr. goes to get the shot. Jaya watches her prepare it, wipe her arm with alcohol and poke it in. The Dr. injected it and put a on a bandaid. Jaya took the candy she offered and got off the table with NOT ONE SOUND. I looked at Jaxx, who had a complete melt down in the office at shot time, and said did you see that? He said "yeah" with a complex look on his face, as if wondering how she pulled it off. She was terrific!
Then we hit The Biltmore after her nap and had a great time. The kids both ran and raced, threw money in the fountains to make a wish. Jaxx wished for a Wii game and Jaya wished for a "party". It was a great night to walk around outside. 
Did I mention I love the weather right now?
Also, if you are looking for the cutest support Palin t shirts EVAH! Check Angie's blog link again. I put it below. She has some super great shirts that are really unique in the VP's Republican candidate, Sarah Palin's, effort to get elected. I know some of you that read don't share the same political convictions that I have, but this is my blog so I get to plug whom I like here.
I flipped for the shirts. I wish I could have one of each. You may want to pick up one and I haven't seen any as creative as these.
Leave it to Angie to come up with these. I know my loyal friends know how much I lurve Angie's designs and ideas. May-jay-lee cute, Angie! You always "rock" the fashion!
We have a busy week and weekend coming up. I hope to post some good pics this weekend.
Jace has his free seminar this Saturday at 10 a.m.( Moon Valley Country Club) about how to take advantage of the foreclosure housing market. His mentor, John Ray, and Jace will talk to everyone that shows up about how to put John and Jace to work for you. So many people wonder how to do this and they don't teach you how to do it, they do it for you which is so different than other "seminars". They have radio commercials running and lots of other "plugs" going on too. I will be helping in getting people in the door. If you have any interest or know someone that does, tell them about it and remember it is "FREE.99". Just a little plug to support my "peoples" and my politicians. All in one blog! I am efficient!
We also have a wedding that night that a lot of our friends will be at so that will should be a fun time. We are dressing up and gonna "shake it like a polaroid, pic-cha". I hope I remember my camera and better yet to actually take the pictures!
Cortney K.
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