Today was the big day. Jaya turned three! She arose at 6 am and didn't take a nap because she was so excited. When 7:30 came around tonight she didn't even hesitate to lay down. It was a huge success so let me share.
The outfit went over in the most spectacular way. It was very "Diva-licious" so what's not to like! I would wear it if it would fit around more than one of my thighs.
I took a few pics of her outside before we went to school. Every girl needs a good pair of "Hollywoods" to keep the sun out!
Here is one in front of the school and going up the steps. That skirt is so heavy but it is a great "twirly" skirt. She LURVES it!
I tried to take some of her and Jaxx after school but that didn't really turn out well. I really need to get some family pics taken but am waiting for to get some Christmas outfits together so that I may have some for a Christmas picture. I , of course, have a great twirly skirt picked out for that already. I just need to find something really "fab" for Jaxx to match.
Then the party came! Mimi arrived early to help get the party house ready and gave Jaya this card that had a ballerina inside when you opened it. Jaya did a perfect imitation of the ballerina's pose. It was really funny. 

Jaxx had to get ready for his T-ball game and go. He would be back soon though. After he hit his great two hits and got some runs.
He also loves to cheer for himself. He does this whenever he sees fit. It may be after getting on base, catching a ball or tagging someone out. He just wants to keep himself pumped up for the game! I wasn't there but Jace took these. I am, however, familiar with the "cheering" as it happens frequently at practice too. Take note of the hands in the air! Yeah ,Jaxx!
So Jaya wouldn't stop asking me to get the cake out. There is a story behind the cake. We were at Target a few months ago and they had a styrofoam version of this Barbie cake on the counter. Jaya spotted it and has been talking about it forever! So, that was the cake we just had to have.
We took these pictures before the guests got there but Jaya wanted to take the Barbie out of the cake so badly. We had to keep telling her that her friends needed to see it first. I wasn't sure if the whole body was actually in the cake or if what we saw was "it". That would be a little awkward to have at the party..."Here kids look at this Barbie that doesn't have a bottom half" or was the bottom half going to be naked and covered in frosting? Again, another awkward moment because I can't turn down licking the bowl of frosting so,of course, I would have volunteered to lick the Barbie too;) Alas, it was neither. Her entire dressed self was tucked into a clean little tube with not a lick to be licked of frosting. Amazing!Ella wasn't in the mood to be social so she was doing her own thing!
The presents were great. She got lots of Barbie stuff , puzzles, Mimi made her the cutest tutu, and a new bike from Grace. 
Then the grand finale... singing "Happy Birthday" and blowing out the candle. We also had a "costume change". The pettiskirt didn't work well for riding the bike. Jaya was so giddy with excitement about all the attention. She just giggled quietly with this little flirtatious look on her face as we all sung. You could tell that she was just so thrilled that the moment that she had waited for all day had finally arrived.
I just stuck the candles in the side of the skirt. I originally had them a little higher but my mom thought I might set the Barbie's hair on fire. Look kids....burning Barbie! Not a good idea so I moved them down.
It was a fantastic day with the perfect party get together. Nothing fancy, just good friends and family.
We lose this giddy innocence as life knocks us around and it makes me smile to see it in my kids. I wish I had more of this excitement in all aspects of my life and realize this is one more thing my kids have tried to teach me. I will have to start a list.
Thank to all of you that participated. We love you.
Cortney K.
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