I just had to add Lipstick Jungle's Theme song to my blog music list. I don't know who puts their music selections together but everysong it great and for the most part, by an unrecognized group. I love this show. I love the hair, music, makeup, clothes and scenery. Yes, there is the token "hot" half naked men along with some steamy scenes but that isn't the "total" draw. I think this is like the new "Sex and City" type show. I never did get into that show but I have watched Lipstick Jungle since its pilot show and loved every minute. I think it is great to see Brooke Shields in such a complicated plot and see how she is actually a talented actress. After all, she hasn't really "wow-ed" me with any of her movies or shows up until now.
There haven't really been any shows that I will stop all I am doing and watch, but this is one of them. I guess it is fun to get lost for an hour in some other fantasy world. Then the show is over and you get to be grateful for the much less chaotic real life.
I still LOVE all the music! Listen or watch if you get a chance, you may get hooked too.
Cortney K.
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