Jaya got to have her birthday at school today. She was very excited. She wore a few of my creations including "THE CROWN", of course.
I ordered special "J" cookies for her to take to the class. I heard they were a big success.
She was besides herself with excitement. She told me all about it. They sang her happy birthday and then the teacher told her to find the "blue chair". I guess this is a special birthday person chair. Then they had the cookies and read her a "smile" story. We even re-enacted it at home down to throwing away our pretend plates in the pretend garbage. I sent cute "princess" plates that had crowns, shoes, purses, lips and bling just like her crown. They were so cute!
I can't wait to show her the "birthday outfit" on Friday. She won't want to take it off!
I love being a mother. Jaxx is just so much fun to hang out with now that he comprehends so much. I don't mind taking him with me on errands even if it takes a little longer, just so I can spend one on one time with him. Jaya is so animated and creative. I love hearing her "stories" and see her act them out. Being their mother is so wonderful!
Cortney K.
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