Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hide and Seek...

Sheeeee's baaaack! Grama came back today to stay the night. The air is still not working. Papa flew in for one night and they did stay at their house with a portable air conditioner in the bedroom. He flew out this morning so Grama came back to stay with us. We went to the new outdoor mall that is right by our house. They have a Gelato place.

So, we had Gelato, walked around and came home to play Hide and Seek. I found Jaya in her favorite hiding spot...under her bed. This isn't only her favorite hiding spot for herself, she hides anything and everything under there. I have to admit it is pretty funny to see their cute little cherub faces peeking out from under the bedskirt. If I can't find shoes or other important items, I check under there. I have actually had to get under there doing a military crawl with a flashlight in my mouth at 11P.M. to look for something I need. Like I am hunting for big game, as quiet as a mouse careful not to wake the sleeping Pink Tornado.

Jaxx has picked up a new card game...Crazy Eights! He is really good and will beat any and all that challenge him. He is so sweet spirited ( Jace's trait) that after he wins a few times in a row, he feels guilty. He actually starts to root for his opponent to "just try harder" but not guilty enough to throw the game (My trait). HELLO? Try harder? Like you think I am going to let you win just cause you are 5 and my son? Not this mother!

Yesterday was Uncle Josh's birthday so the we sent him a picture. It was a "Happy Birthday" just for him.


Cortney K.

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