Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Funny Face

I just th0ught I would share this...

Today when I got out the camera to take some pics there were some "surprises" on there. Now, this is not the first time I have had such surprises on my camera, Jaxx is very good at these. Ever since Jaxx figured out how to work my camera a few years ago, he has resorted to trying his camera techniques out. The first few times this happened I laughed and deleted them but now I save them. I have a file on my computer just for these photos and someday they will haunt him. I hope they never ask for any pics of him as a kid when he gets into high school. I will make a photo album of just his self portraits and he will laugh as hard as I did when I first viewed them.
To be fair, he is not selfish. He has done many of Jaya and her feet or hands. He has taken his fair share of Bubbles the Bulldog looking back at him as if to ask " why are you waking me up, kid?" He is getting good at headshots of Charron. He loves to include pics of his high score from a Wii game from the TV screen or a learning game from the computer screen. He has had many subjects but still always goes back to HIS face. It must be so much fun as a kid to see your expressions looking back at you the instant you take the picture. We didn't have that growing up. We had to take the film to get developed and wait. It was so fun to pick up the pictures. How am I going to explain to my kid that I am so "ancient" that I was around when there was instant satisfaction when it came to pictures. I mean, even Polaroids don't count. You still had to shake it for 10 minutes before the milky film evolved into an image. If it didn't come out the way you hoped, you threw it away and took another. I do remember that the Polaroid film cartridges were pretty expensive too. Oh well, I digress. These self portraits aren't always so flattering, matter of fact, most of us wouldn't let anyone take us at these angles if we were paid. I am sure he will eventually keep working at getting his "good side". What a fun experiment for him and I think I will just keep leaving my camera out on the table. I like the surprises!

So, I thought I would share a few of the ones that I have starting with some I found today.
These should give you a good smile to start your Wednesday.
Cortney K.

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