Thursday, March 19, 2009

New Addition!

I may have lost my mind but for my birthday I wanted a dog. Here he is....

He is a brindle Boston Terrier. Does he look like a "Rafa" (Rafael Nadal) or a Briscoe? Jaya has already decided that his middle name is Charlie!
He loves his kennel and doesn't whine at all at night. Bubbles could take him or leave him and he would much rather be around people than her so at least he isn't bothering her.
He has been a sweet guy so far! Just doesn't have a name yet!
Cortney K.


Angie Seaman said...

Oh my GAWSH girl...What a cutie. Oh you guys are going to have a blast with that new little addition in the family. So, so, fun! Enjoy your weekend and happy birthday sista! Hope it was the best one yet.
Hugs, Angie Seaman

kim•ber•ly said...

Soooo cute. I vote for Briscoe.