Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Tennis Tournament

Well, tennis season is starting to pick back up again. I am in a tournament this weekend. Now, when you sign up for these things you never know if you will get choosen to play and what time your matches will be. So, you wait until the week before the tournament and keep stalking the the website until you see the "draws".

I just checked again and wouldn't you know it, I will be playing on Saturday and Sunday at TWELVE! Could they have choosen a hotter time of the day???? I don't think so, I will completely fried.

So, to all my loyal supporters. I will need you more than ever to help me keep me moving.

If you are interested in being there let me know. It is at a very spectator friendly location and I can give you the directions.

See you on the searing courts!

Cortney K.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

HOT Mamma on the courts - woo hoo. Good luck on the season :)